Hey there, I'm Piero Delgado 👋

Turning ideas into software solutions

I'm a Software Engineering student in my 7th semester at UPC, with a proven track record of academic excellence (top 10% of my class). Passionate about building efficient web and mobile applications and solving real-world problems through technology.

hero image


Discover the technologies, certifications, and tools I master

  • Programming Languages: C#, C++, Dart, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Python, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Angular, ASP.NET Core, Flask, Jetpack Compose, Spring Boot, Vue.js
  • Web Technologies: CSS, HTML
  • Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, SQL Server 2019
  • Methodologies: Domain-Driven Design, Gitflow, Scrum


Here are some of the projects I've worked on

Contact Me

Let's talk! I'm available for job opportunities and collaboration.